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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dangers of Sugar

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I have told many people now about my sugar obssession. For those who do not yet know. "Hi, my name is Crystal, and I am a sugar addict." Also known as a pre-diabetic. My Mother is a full Type 2 diabetic for almost 20 years now. Shots and all. I do not want to end up that way, but unless I do something about my weight, I am going to join her soon. I have switched from the sugar to the non-sugar alternatives. It does help. The first thing I noticed was I was no longer falling asleep at my desk at 3 in the afternoon. That was bad. I felt horrible and could barely keep my eyes open. Light headed and moody! Boy oh boy I was moody. Blood sugar swings can make a person not too fun to be around. Irregular heartbeats. I noticed when I would eat alot of sugar, namely chocolate, I would suffer from mild tacchychardia. (Heart flutters) Of course I am sure it has more to do with the caffeine in chocolate than sugar.

Now, what am I trying to do...stay away from the sweet stuff. I do like Truvia the best. It is a natural sweetener but tastes great. No aftertaste, at least not to my taste buds. I have gained some weight the past few days (sugar slip) and my scale is showing the lack of discipline. That is okay. I will pick myself up and start over tomorrow.

It is so important for me to succeed. Not just for myself but for so many people I want to help. Going back to medical school is a huge step. (Coming from the Accounting world). But I want to understand the human body and how we can heal ourselves. I am taking this year to heal the ailments in my body. Blessed be.


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