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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ionic Foot Cleanse

Sunday, January 23, 2011
About five years ago I was introduced to a detox method that was non-invasive and pain free. Not to mention it was cool to watch! A nutritionist friend of mine gave me my first foot cleanse. This is a method which utilizes ions within your body to pull toxins out through the bottom of your feet. To find a really good detailed description, please look at this site: http://www.ehow.com/how-does_4611270_ionic-foot-bath-work.html

My personal experience has been one of great relief. From gallbladder tenderness, joint pain, low back pain, sore muscles, even head and chest conjestion have been aleviated by the foot bath. The bath uses the power of electricity, not nescessarily chemical reactions. See here from ehow.com:
"The concept of positive and negative as it relates to the ionic foot bath is referencing an electrical rather than a chemical process. The ionic foot bath can actually be set to negative or positive depending upon the health of the individual and what that person needs improve their body's systems. The ionic foot bath when set to positive actually produces negative ions, and when it is set to negative it produces positive ions. "

Many patients and myself typically have more acid in their bodies thus benefit from a negative setting. I strongly encourage you to try a foot cleanse at your local health clinic or natural health spa.
These cleanses are very cost effective (starting around $25.00 per sesssion) and worth every cent.

Once I open my clinic, I will have several of these systems available and encourage each patient to receive a foot bath regularly.

The following are images I found online that shows the different stages of the detox session:

My last session was very interesting. I had a ton of heavy metals and my liver despirately needed to be detoxed. So what color do you think my water ended up becoming? Clear to black. Almost pitch black. And the heavy metal smell filled the room with a not so alluring aroma. Folks, this is not smoke and mirrors. It is science. It works and I would much rather dispose of these toxins out of my body instead of my poor liver trying to detox all of this junk itself.  



Welcome to our web blog. I will try to post at least weekly with tips to heal your body and rejuvinate your soul. Please feel free to post comments or ask questions. All I ask is you be professional and sensitive to others on this blog. I look forward to getting to know you.

Crystal Lee